Marijuana 101
Marijuana 101 (M101) is available in person. Please contact the Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services Office to discuss your options. Before scheduling appointments, students must register and submit the $100 corresponding fee. To register, you can pay via money order or with a credit card through our ADCS Payments website. Money orders can be paid in person or mailed to the ADCS Office. Money orders are payable to Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services and are mailed to:
Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services
601 University Drive
LBJ Student Center, room 5-8.1
San Marcos, Texas 78666
In addition to the money order, please include a note with your name, phone number, email, and your Student ID Number (ID number beginning with A0). Once the payment has been confirmed, we will contact you to schedule two appointments. If you did not complete the life history documents in person, we will send the documents to be filled out before the first session. Once the process has started, we will provide you with further information about the M101 process if needed here is the link for the M101 Life History Questionnaire.
Marijuana 101 is an online, six-lesson marijuana education course offered to Texas State University students who have violated university policy relating to the possession of marijuana and/or drug paraphernalia, and have been sanction/referred by the Dean of Students Office.
This course will likely also satisfy sanctions from local courts and/or judges.
This course also requires two one-on-one meetings (one hour each meeting, scheduled one week apart), with the ADCS staff in order to complete the program successfully.